Politician declared unfit for office due to WoW habit

WoW players cannot politics!

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Maine State Senate democratic candidate Colleen Lachowicz has been slammed by the Republicans for a violent history of assassination, poisoning, and dickpunching. In World of Warcraft. For crying out loud.

Maine Republicans have set up one amazingly desperate attack site, gathering Lachowicz’s online history and using her World of Warcraft habits as proof that she shouldn’t be considered fit for office. According to the site, “In Colleen’s online fantasy world, she gets away with crude, vicious and violent comments like the ones below. Maine needs a State Senator that lives in the real world, not in Colleen’s fantasy world.”

The site is made up of posts taking Colleen’s descriptions of her WoW games and using them to paint her as a dangerous socialist sociopath. In just two days, it’s amassed a very comprehensive collection of posts — some of which do detail non-game things she was probably unwise to say, with many others taking her gaming discussions out of context. The base suggestion is that WoW makes you unfit for office because gamers are remedial fantasists.

There you go. If you play games, you can’t be a politician. Man, that site’s going to look gloriously stupid when the next generation of game-playing people become the majority of public officials.

World of Warcraft hobby sparks US political row [BBC, thanks Wesley!]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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