As is wont with such things 007 Legends has picked up some exclusive pre-order bonuses from different retailers. Folks who buy the game from Amazon will receive the Nemesis Pack, which contains both Jaws and Baron Samedi as playable characters in the Legends and multiplayer split-screen modes. Those who pre-order from GameStop get the 007 Pack. In split-screen multiplayer mode this pack nets the player an exclusive outfit for Bond, a Walter PPK and the the Fast Switch gadget, which increases weapon swap speed by 50%.
Call me old fashioned, but I miss the days of pre-order bonuses being physical things. Getting something that people will most likely get later on if the pay for some DLC just isn’t as exciting as getting a useless trinket that no one else will ever get. That’s a really general gripe, though, and has nothing to do specifically with this pre-order stuff, which seems pretty cool as far as DLC content goes. Playing as Jaws is always fun.