PSA: The Ghost of SOPA lives on with CISPA

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SOPA may have been sent to Hades where it belongs, but those who sought to enact the Internet-crushing law have not stopped in their misguided war against online piracy. The latest bill to trying to sneak under our noses is CISPA — The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act.

Like SOPA, this bill exploits piracy fears in an attempt to control the Internet. This time around, the goal is to sneak a peek at your online shenanigans, eliminating your online privacy. It’s been justified as necessary to protect “government information” and “intellectual property” and may let ISPs block you from certain websites or the entire Internet. Though different in form, its spirit is akin to the likes of SOPA, PIPA, and ACTA.

Microsoft is a noted supporter, as is Facebook. 

As is the case with SOPA, this concerns the whole Internet — Destructoid included. An unprecedented online protest, which we proudly took part in, put SOPA in the ground, but if CISPA passes, then it’s essentially for nothing. Demand Progress is helping to spread the work and has gotten started on a letter campaign, so if you joined forces against SOPA, definitely check it out!

About The Author
James Stephanie Sterling
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