One day left!
The latest Shovel Knight expansion is just about ready to launch. While it will be a timed Switch exclusive for around a month, that doesn’t mean you have to wait on buying the main title. If you’re interested in Specter of Torment, why not grab the original title and prepare yourself?
For the last week, Shovel Knight has been 33% off on all digital platforms. That includes PC, PS3, PS4, Vita, Xbox One, 3DS and Wii U. For some odd reason, the PS3 and Vita PSN Store entries are not listed as being on sale, but the game supports Cross-Buy between every Sony platform.
After tomorrow, the game will be going up in price to compensate for the addition of the new content. Previous owners don’t need to worry since Specter of Torment and the eventual King Knight expansion will still be free, but anyone who doesn’t bite on this sale will need to shell out $24.99 for Shovel Knight in the future.
Honestly, though, with the amount of content that Shovel Knight has, $25 isn’t even that bad.
Specter of Torment and Treasure Trove initial release date! [Yacht Club Games]