PSN Pass discovered hiding in Resistance 3 (Update)

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[Update: Sony has confirmed that the “Network Pass” is legitimate and will act the same way as previous online passes, making use of a one-time code to activate online functionality. I can now safely adopt my previously tentative, “F*ck ’em the wankers” position.]

With online passes proving dismayingly popular despite inconveniencing customers and devaluing an important part of the industry, it’s hardly surprising that more greedy publishers want to horn in on the racket.

It’s speculated that Sony may join the ranks of the moneygrubbing with its own “PSN Pass” scheme. 

The PSN Pass was spotted mentioned the packaging for Germany’s Resistance 3 PlayStation 3 bundle. The box reads, “PSN Pass Network features only available in countries that have PlayStation Store.”

Though Sony is yet to comment, it is heavily speculated that this pass will operate exactly like the online pass models adopted by Electronic Arts and THQ. 

If so, then f*ck ’em for being wankers. 

Sony to launch PSN Pass? []

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James Stephanie Sterling
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