Psychonauts Two? Teaser image hints at possible project [Updated: It doesn’t]

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It has been hailed as a modern cult classic and like those that came before it, many lamented its lack of sales and poor marketing. Hope for a new Psychonauts may have seemed dim, but it’s been served a little more ignition today, thanks to developer Double Fine and its recently posted teaser image (above).

Right now, nobody exactly knows what’s “coming soon,” but it could be anything from a Wii port to an entirely new game. It could also be nothing at all, and gamers’ heartstrings are being cruelly pulled. Whatever it portends, there’s no denying that eager fans everywhere will soil their pants on command for new Psychonauts news.

What do you think Tim Schafer’s playing at? Is an entirely new Psychonauts on the way? Is it heading to the Wii or DS? Get those overactive brains working and let us know your theories. 

[Update: From Mr. Schafer himself: “Man, who knew how much excitement a little darkness could bring? The truth is we are just putting together a new page about ‘The Excellent Game Psychonauts.’ We’re not announcing any new games or anything. Sorry if we confused anybody! We lightened up the image to hopefully make things clearer.”]

[Via CVG]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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