Punch-Out!! developer talks sequel, create-a-boss mode

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In a recent chat with Official Nintendo Magazine, Ken Yeeloy, producer of Punch-Out!! for the Nintendo Wii, mentioned his desire to make a sequel to the title. Would it be Super Punch-Out!! Wii? From the interview:

“I would love to make a sequel. I think with this first product, we wanted to make sure there was a definite, undeniable connection to the original. The sequel would be our opportunity to evolve the franchise further and add some cool, new things.”

Gameplay lead Bryce Holliday also commented on the idea of a sequel, saying that the next version of Punch-Out!! would be “different”. How so, you ask? Well, according to Holliday, it would contain the following:

“Cooperative, competitive multiplayer support or create-a-boss mode would be places to start but we’d need to come up with a new ‘hook’ like the motion controllers gave us in this iteration.”

I don’t know about you, but I’d buy another Punch-Out!! title in an instant. The Wii version was easily one of my favorite games so far this year, and the best game I’ve played on the Wii in some time. Would you be interested in a follow up?

[Via CVG]

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Colette Bennett
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