Puzzle & Dragons tops 50 million downloads

Up 9 million since January

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GungHo Online’s cash cow Puzzle & Dragons has been downloaded more than 50 million times worldwide since the  role-playing puzzle game’s launch in 2012, the company just announced.

The figure has risen by more than 9 million since January, when global numbers totaled 41 million, 6 million of which came out of North America. In August 2014, GungHo reported 37 million downloads internationally, with 4 million of those spread across the United States and Canada.

Earlier this year, GungHo and Nintendo released Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition for Nintendo 3DS. a two-in-one package also containing the more RPG-heavy Puzzle & Dragons Z.

The mobile version of Puzzle & Dragons is available for free via iTunesGoogle Play, and Amazon.

全世界5000万DL達成記念イベント(前半)!! [GungHo Online via Dr. Serkan Toto]

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Kyle MacGregor Burleson
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