Real men can look forward to RayStorm HD next week

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Surprise! Next week, Xbox LIVE Arcade is getting RayStorm HD. It’s also releasing on PlayStation Network, but only in Japan, for some wild reason. You clever PlayStation 3 owners surely know how to get around such obstacles by now, don’t you?

The price has been set at 1200 Microsoft Points ($15), which will probably seem reasonable to anyone who knows what RayStorm actually is. For the average dude scrolling down the list of recent XBLA games, I’m not so sure.

As awesome as out-of-nowhere announcements like this can be, it saddens me to see so little marketing push for games that are better than such treatment. I never understood the whole “it’s being sold digitally so we shouldn’t discuss it too much” mentality.

RayStorm HD Out Next Week, XBLA Only In The West [GamerBytes]

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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