In addition to Zelda
According to MCV, Nintendo isn’t going to let the NX slog out of the gate like the Wii U and 3DS did — at least when it comes to heavy-hitters.
The site reports that Nintendo has not only secured strong third-party support from WB, Activision, Ubisoft, Square Enix, and Sega (where have we heard that before?), but it’s also going to make a big first-party push too, in addition to Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Apparently, Game Freak is developing a new Pokemon game for the system, as well as a new Mario.
Mario was a given for me since we haven’t seen one for years and we’re absolutely due, but Pokemon? People have been asking Nintendo for a proper (read: not a spinoff or “arena” title) console Pokemon game for nearly two decades, so that could be really interesting, and make a huge impact on NX sales. Unless of course, it’s a spinoff or an arena game for X & Y.
As a reminder, the last batch of NX rumors suggest that it has detachable controllers, and will allow the use of some smartphone games. I cant’ wait to see what this thing looks like!