BG3's Rescue the Trapped Man quest tasks you with saving Benryn, a man who seems to have lost his wife in the raid.
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Rescue the Trapped Man in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) Guide

The roof is on fire, literally.

In the northwestern corner of Faerun, Baldur’s Gate 3 tasks you with a race against time to rescue the trapped man from his predicament in a burning village. The choices here, like most in BG3, will dictate how NPCs perceive and respond to your Tav.

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The “Rescue the Trapped Man” questline is available during Act 1, just take the northwesternmost path out of the Blighted Village. Along the way, follow the Risen Road until reaching a Waypoint for Waukeen’s Rest (X:80, Y:577). This is your closest teleport to the village.

The guy you're looking to save in BG3 is pinned under some rubble, he's pictured here just by the door.
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How to begin Rescue the Trapped Man in BG3

After arriving in Waukeen’s Rest, it’s clear the locals have seen better days. Save your game in case things go south and you don’t mind a quick reset, then head inside. You can do this after speaking to the recruits pushing against a burning door in the north, but I recommend saving that task for afterward to keep things simple. They’ll tell you about the Grand Duke Raven, another quest, and not our focus right now.

There are two points of entry to reach Benryn, the trapped man. You can head through the main structure where the soldiers were, or take a left through the building with the bath downstairs. For this guide, we’ll opt for the building on the left. It’s closer to the NPC, and you’ll put more distance between yourself and the fire.

Clear the way

  • Head upstairs; cross the catwalk between this building and the main structure.
  • Benryn calls for help, he’s pinned near the door closest to you.
  • Use a bow or ranged spell to finish destroying the broken door, but do not approach it.

Swap to turn-based mode once the room explodes. As a rule, moments like this are easier if you change over. The fire spreads incredibly fast, so make sure you’re ready to bolt for Benryn as soon as you open the busted door.

In the Rescue the Trapped Man BG3 quest line, you'll need to free the man here (Benryn) with a Strength Check of 10.
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Free Benryn from the rubble

  • In turn-based mode, speak to Benryn and free him with a Strength Check of ten.
  • Escape with Benryn, he’ll stop in the next room to grieve his wife, Miri.
  • Benryn mentions a dowry, it’s time to hunt for it.

As a note, in my playthrough, I delayed entering turn-based mode and panicked. I was able to stave off the fire just long enough to speak to Benryn by using the Create Water spell as a Cleric.

Rescue the Trapped Man: Find the Dowry

Party members like Gale naturally go down a path for Speak with Dead as a Warlock, or you can unlock the spell as a Cleric or Bard. It’s also available through scrolls or the Amulet of Lost Voices. You also don’t need to speak with Miri to learn about the dowry’s location, as the quest seems to work just fine by heading to the next location.

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Find Miri’s Ring

  • You can speak to Miri (Mirileth), his wife, by using Speak with Dead.
  • To recover the ring, leave the building and take the path to the west.
  • Enter the first barn on the right and search the haystack.
  • Inspect the chest and recover the Dowry Ring.
  • Return the Dowry Ring to Benryn, or don’t. The choice is yours.

Baldur’s Gate 3 loves revisiting your good deeds and demons, so choose what happens to Benryn and the ring carefully. Perhaps he’ll pop up again later if you help out, or maybe not and you’re just being a sweetheart. Either way, party members will remember your call here, but at least you’ve completed the quest in your journal.

Regardless of what you intend on doing, keep in mind this quest is a good reminder of why it’s important to heed the passage of time. Don’t head to camp and Long Rest once you’ve been tasked with saving the poor guy from the flames, he can’t wait that long. Heal with potions or spells instead if you’re struggling to navigate the fire and retrieve him safely.

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Image of Andrea Shearon
Andrea Shearon
Associate Editor
Associate Editor - Andrea is Destructoid's own little FFXIV encyclopedia with her hands in a bit of everything. She's been in the games industry for almost seven years, and has a fondness for RPGs, MMOs, farming sims, survival games, and the occasional horror adventure.