Benefits from an extra month of fine-tuning
Retro City Rampage will be flying onto WiiWare some time in January, but the XBLA version has a much more definite launch date. Direct from creator Brian Provinciano himself, you will be able to download the XBLA port of the pixel-tastic open world carnival on Wednesday, January 2. The extra dev time brings it up to speed right out of the gate with the patched builds currently on PSN and PC.
The announcement history of this game has been super weird. It was originally announced for WiiWare as well as “undisclosed consoles.” Then the XBLA version was revealed and scheduled to be the first responder on the scene. Then the PSN versions busted in and cut to the front of the line. How strange is it that the later a platform was unveiled, the closer to release its version of RCR wound up being?
Stranger things have happened.