RetroforceGO!: Episode 5 recording tonight; all hail the mascots!

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Once again, it’s Wednesday, and since Wednesday is a day filled with magic and Marshmallow Peeps; the Retroforce team will be recording yet another episode of the award winning* podcast, RetroforceGO!

After last weeks rather heady topic, we’ve decided to lighten today’s show up a bit. So, instead of pondering the social ramifications of gaming violence vs. reality vs. pancakes vs. Jack Thompson vs. a donkey; we’re just going to talk about mascots. Warm fuzzy mascots.

What are some of your favorite mascots? Which ones do you hate? Do you feel that Wonder Boy and Bonk got a bad rap? That Sonic is overrated?

Drop some comments below and help us fuel the flames of debate for tonight’s episode of RetroforceGO!

[*Soon, baby, soon.]

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