Before anyone panics and starts knocking down old ladies in the street, RetroforceGO! is not going to be gone all summer. In an unfortunate coincidence, Colette is going to be taming wild chocobos in the heart of the South American jungle, Dyson will be tasting Pizza Rolls in every country of the world, Topher is traveling to Asia (for obvious reasons), and Rev and I are scoping out volcanoes for our battle to the death all at the same time. Since Skype is unfortunately not available in any of these places (and my admittedly ludicrous idea of recording a show by carrier pigeon was shot down), RetroforceGO! is taking a small hiatus.
I know, I am upset about it as well – just ask the tears that are cascading down my cheek as I type this. RetroforceGO! has become such a part of my weekly routine that I don’t know what I am going to do with myself for the next few Sunday nights. Curl up in the dark shadows of my loneliness? Take up (gasp!) Sudoku?
We are not sure of the exact date yet, but we will most likely be returning in early July. So, what are you all going to do without the dolph-o-meter, yard sale, and chocobo rating scales? I won’t ruin anything, but check Destructoid this Friday for a little surprise that should hold everyone over until our grand return in just a few short weeks.
In the meantime, pull out those old consoles, catch up on some classic retro goodness, and have a fantastic summer. We are going to miss you so much, but will be back before you know it.