Robot Unicorn Attack: Evolution wants to be with you

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Everyone wants to live in harmony, harmony with Robot Unicorn Attack. The original game has been played over 100 million times (99 million through Facebook, 14 million through It even reached the top of the charts on iOS, hitting the number six spot for paid apps.

Now Adult Swim has released a sequel of sorts, called Robot Unicorn Attack: Evolution. You still play as the majestic robot unicorn, but as you progress you’ll evolve into a robot unicorn panda, gorilla and more until you hit your ultimate form, a robot unicorn dragon. There are more environments as well, with the core gameplay of dashing and jumping remains the same as the original.

Go play Evolution right now over on Adult Swim. My highest score was near 19,000, and that’s nothing to brag about. What’s your highest score?

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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