I think we can all agree that cheaters are the absolute worst. Those self-important jerks who have nothing better to do but ruin the game for everyone else are a constant source of frustration for gamers and developers alike, but Rockstar’s announced a pretty great method of dealing with the dilemma: Quarantine.
Anyone found cheating in Max Payne 3‘s online portion will be walled off into what they’re calling the “cheater’s pool.” If the initial punishment fails, repeat offenders will be banned indefinitely. Not only does this rid the leaderboards of illegitimate competitors, but it also affords cheaters an opportunity to repent and, eventually, earn their way back into the fold. Genius.
If you spot a cheater, drop them a line at maxpayne3.banhammer@rockstargames.com with the details.
Taking Aim at Cheaters in Max Payne 3 [Rockstar]