Rumor: Killzone 3 this Xmas, supports 3D, motion control

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According to sources, tonight’s mystery PS3 announcement could indeed be Killzone 3. What’s more, the big news is that the game (currently one of Sony’s worst kept secrets) will support 3D visuals, and full motion control for the Sony Wiimote. 

The gossip states that Guerrilla Games’ big shooter sequel will release this Christmas and shall be part of a huge 3D push that Sony is planning to make, despite the fact that most people don’t have TVs that support it. The rumor is unclear on whether or not Killzone 3 is Sony’s big mystery sequel, but the rest of the information is alleged to be “rock solid.” 

Not entirely sure what to make of this. The whole 3D gimmickry has already gotten on my nerves, and I’m not sure I’d like to see full motion control in my Killzone 3. We shall see, however. I’m a big fan of Killzone, so I’m excited to find out more about the game. Fingers crossed that the news is good!

Source: Killzone 3 is 3D, uses Wand [CVG]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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