Rumor: New Natal Xbox 360 confirmed for 2010 (Update)

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[“Real talk” update: As we suspected, this information is inaccurate. Speaking with Microsoft, Destructoid was told there are no plans for a new console in 2010. More details here.]

Rumors are flying and analysts are speculating: is Microsoft’s motion-sensing Natal tech coming alongside a new console? We are actually still not totally clear on whether a new console is coming or just a new SKU. One outlet says a new console actually is coming, but we’re not so sure.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer spoke at the Executive’s Club of Chicago, and it was there that he talked about a new technology with a “natural interface.” That sounds like Natal. We know that is coming, and now it seems we have a date. But is this a new console or not?

Now here’s the thing: TGDaily says that a new Xbox 360 will hit store shelves in 2010, but this could have been the date for a new Natal-bundled SKU. We have a feeling that they must have misunderstood, or may have mixed up Ballmer’s details about the Natal tech with that of a whole new console.

From TGDaily, who also says “a new Xbox 360 will hit the store shelves in 2010”:

The console, which was described as having a “natural interface,” will have a built in camera with the ability to recognize movement and voice.

Again, we’re not sold. Some sites are running this as confirmation of a new console. We say keep your pants on. Even TGDaily’s liveblog of the event says nothing of the sort. 

[Update: Microsoft has responded to our request for clarafication with what we can only imagine is all they’re allowed to tell us:

As the Xbox team stated at E3 two weeks ago, we are not even halfway through the current console generation lifecycle and believe Xbox 360 will be the entertainment center in the home for long into the next decade. Project Natal will be an important part of this platform, but we have not confirmed a launch date at this time.]

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Dale North
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