Ryan Payton’s Republique needs your help

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I’m a bit tired of all these Kickstarter things (seriously, we get swamped with them!), but I feel like a dick for not taking notice of Republique — mostly because I know the guy who’s making it, and he’s a stand-up guy! He’s also known to most of you as the chap who helped make Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of Patriots

Ryan Payton’s new project isn’t quite as huge as that particular game, but it’s interesting nonetheless. Sadly, it’ll get looked down on by many gamers due to the fact that it’s an iOS title. However, don’t let that put you off! 

Blending stealth and survival, Republique is a gorgeous looking game featuring a “believable, non-sexualized female lead” and a “Metroidvania” sense of exploration. Despite its status as a mobile game, the game puts a strong emphasis on narrative and aims to provide a “AAA” iOS experience. Developers who have worked on F.E.A.R, Halo, and Metal Gear Solid are all involved. 

The game has 21 days to get $500,000. It has but $77,795 at the moment. 

At the very least, please check out the trailer on Kickstarter page. I think it’s worth a little bit of your money. 

Republique [Kickstarter]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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