Saint’s Row 3 in the works with a new direction: Bad cockney accents unconfirmed

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Saint’s Row 2, the game that will be forever burned into my mind as “that game with the amazingly awful cockney voice actor,” is pretty damn good. In fact, you could say it’s the bollocks. This is why it’s hardly surprising that Volition is already working on a third game.

In an interview with Play, here’s what associate producer Dan Sutton had to say about Saint’s Row 3:

The last game had a very ‘open’ ending. Can we expect something similar with SR2?

Associate producer Dan Sutton: Well, we knew a lot of people were upset with the last one because they were playing it and it was like “oh gosh, I’ve got to wait for the next one”, but in SR2 we tie-up a lot of loose ends. I think we tie it up deliberately. We’ve already started work on Saints Row 3, and we have a new direction we want to go in with that which we of course can’t talk about. We wrap up a lot in this one. There’s no frustration.

So… Saints Row 3 will take a very new direction?

I think so, yes.

I’ve not had as much time with SR2 as I’d have liked, but for all its roughness, it’s an undeniably fun game and definitely one of THQ’s best properties right now. Here’s hoping the new direction doesn’t see them dropping the “anything goes” mayhem that makes SR2 a winner.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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