Sakaguchi working on a ‘blockbuster,’ also iPhone game

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Final Fantasy‘s original daddy, Hironobu Sakaguchi, has moved on to bigger (but not necessarily better) things as head of Mistwalker, and his studio is now looking at the iPhone for future releases. Oh, and some big-budget blockbuster is also coming in 2010. Here’s his New Year’s blog post:

Happy New Year.
2010 is the year of my long-awaited new blockbuster project.
I’m putting my heart and soul into this production. I’m taking a full swing and making this the best project.
Oh, by the way, We are also working on a project for iPhone.
This should be released soon as well.
We will put our efforts together and do our best!
I’m sure you’ll Love it.

Making perhaps even bigger news than these vague teases is the awesome shoop Sakaguchi included in his blog post, as seen above. If there was a game starring surfing Lego’d game producers and cocker spaniels, I’d be all over it.

‘Final Fantasy’ Creator Working On Project For iPhone [Touch Arcade]

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Dale North
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