Based on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (and other anime), Sakura Stand has you collecting new abilities and facing off in combat. It can be a little dizzying to get accustomed to, so if you’re in need of help, look no further than the community. With Sakura Stand’s Discord and Trello, you can easily keep up to date on all the news and information around the game. Here’s how to join.
How to join the Sakura Stand Trello
You can find details about nearly every aspect of Sakura Stand through the game’s official Trello. There’s a lot to learn including stands, specs, bosses, and the who’s, what’s, where’s, and why’s of the game.
You don’t have to join, and you don’t need an account; you can simply visit the Trello and browse to your heart’s content. If you’re a new player, you can check the specs and stands to figure out what path you want to take. Experienced plays can then delve in deeper to find information on all the NPCs and quests.
The board is constantly updated by the community and developers, so it’s always worth revisiting if you get stuck or want advice.
How to join the Sakura Stand Discord server
If you’d like to get more involved with the community and talk to other Sakura Stand players, you can instead join the official Discord server. There you’ll have access to much more information, and if there’s something you can’t find, you can simply ask another member of the community.
This will, however, require that you have a Discord account. Once you do, you can simply click on the invite link and get access to the server.