Sandswept Studios teases their first game, Detour

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We’ve been exchanging kind words with the folks over at Sandswept Studios over the past few weeks. Apparently, they’re working on a videogame … and that’s all they’ll really tell us. Thanks, guys!

Yesterday, the team revealed some very early information on the title, in the form of a name and a logo. The title of the game will be Detour, and “will be centered around roads and highways.” With that info, we’re even more in the dark than we were before, but we’re certainly intrigued. 

The “save the wetlands” tag line has us thinking it will also have something to do with bogs and swamps, and perhaps preserving them. Really, we have no idea, but we think the game will make its way to a console you own, which means it may be relevant to your interests. 

With any luck, we’ll have more info on Detour not long after the first of the year. 

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Nick Chester
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