Scaling the Dragon Keep in Magic Sword

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We had a truly wonderful time on Saturday Morning Hangover today. It was a send off to our set, as we prepare to move to a new location, and it went out with style. 

The Xbox Live Indie demos were mostly sequels this week, with games like DLC Quest: Fremium or Die on one end of the quality spectrum and Island Paradise II: Karma on another. But Dead Sea II: Mutation has bi-pedal sharks which eat human heads in a single bite, so all is not lost. And make sure you check out Zippy Push Kid, which surprised us with how much fun it was.

And then there was the Dafoeverse, which has discovered even greater depths of madness. Abstract art pieces (clearly of Dafoe; why else would they be there?) have started appearing and the characters of Team Dafoetress 2 get their day in the sun.

Then, to top it all off, Jordan and Katrina are introduced to the 1990 Capcom arcade title Magic Sword. Watch as my wife criticizes the graphics, shallow plot and reinforcement of tropes only to wind up being the one gripping the controller when the game is finished. Delicious.

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Conrad Zimmerman
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