Watch the show and grab yourself a coupon
Our sexy streamers at Dtoid TV have partnered with our friends at to bring you 10% off anything in their store! Just for watching two idiots play videogames!
To grab your coupon code, just head on over to Dtoid TV and chill with Phil and Spencer tonight at 8 PM Pacific at the Gentlemen’s Club. The duo will be up to their usual shenanigans, which may or may not include playing a couch co-op game and rubbing their bottoms against each other because this is the Internet and that’s what pays the bills. Then, just take that code over to and get your shop on! I’d use it to buy the Chinese version of Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2. I hear it’s better with Kinect.
Have fun, you crazy Internet, you.
EDIT: Here’s a linky-poo, just for you. -Spencer