You know what game I’m perfectly fine with over hyping? Scribblenauts. I’ll post the most trivial item available for this game and you’ll like it, you hear me! However, you’ll like this one on your own anyway and you can thank me later for your new desktop image. Below is the cover work for Nintendo Power in Italy and it is done by Scribblenauts artist Edison Yan. I strongly suggest you head over to his blog and check out all the amazing artwork he has.
If you’d like a more pared down, Scribblenauts only tour of his work we can accommodate that. Here’s his Post 217 artwork and here he is doing classic gaming characters Scribblenauts style. The man is the definition of epic. In case you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t heard about the coolest thing to come to your DS since that Hannah Montana DS cover you bought, Scribblenauts is awesome and you want it. You also want a rooster hat.
[Via That VideoGame Blog]