Shaqfighter, Ride A Pok?mon, The Bureau, & Metro Reviews

The Destructoid Show shuts up and JAMS

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Hey gang, here’s today’s Destructoid Show! …It’s a weird one.

Did you see those new Pokémon from Pokémon X & Y? You can ride one of them, but mostly, they just look like regular animals. If you like weird creatures and stuff, you might be happy about the announcement of Adventure Time: Explore This Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW. If you like your weird creatures to be terrifying, there’s always Metro: Last Light, which has been reviewed. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is looking pretty tactical, and The Incredible Machine and ZombiU have sequels in the works.

Most importantly of all, though — Shaq has registered a trademark for SHAQFIGHTER. What does it mean? (We don’t know.)

About The Author
Max Scoville
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