Shrink says Jack Thompson is sane? That’s crazy!

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Jim told us last month that famed attorney and anti-violence crusader Jack Thompson was ordered to undergo psychological testing, but now it looks like video gaming’s very own “Whacko Jack-o” isn’t so whacked after all — or at least that’s what his paid psychologist says. 

The overall impression is that of a socially committed, and religiously devout man, of Superior Intellectual Functioning, who does not suffer from any major mental illness or impairment. He is deeply committed to personal betterment and social progress which he feels involves the regulation of exposure of minors to pornography, obscenity and violence.

In fact, his psych (which he pre-emptively saw at his own expense) only really calls him on his “hyperbole and sarcasm” in some of his motions and pleadings, which Thompson promises to moderate in the future.

So, what’s the deal? Is Jack just nuts enough to clear a shrink’s evaluation, or are his public ramblings just an act for attention? If he’s able to “play it cool” to pass a psych evaluation, this may show that his courtroom craziness is indeed an act.

[Via GamePolitics — Thanks, Justin] 

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Dale North
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