The Kickstarter is over, but crowdfunding is not
Designer Richard Garriott and Portalarium’s Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues ended its Kickstarter drive this weekend. It was a success, though we’ve known it would be for a while now.
The role-playing game doubled its base funding goal of $1 million by bringing in $1,919,275 on Kickstarter and an additional $150,000 and counting through its official site. “We will be listening to [backers] as we go about making the kind of fantasy RPG that I really enjoyed making in the earlier part of my career,” said Garriott. “But this is really only the start. We will continue to keep our own crowd funding store open to bring in more funds to help us add even more features to the game.”
$2 million might sound like a lot, but it isn’t for a game of this scope. Heck, Shroud of the Avatar isn’t expected to launch until next year, to put things in perspective. Did you support this one?