Sigh: ‘New’ Dizzy game is an iOS/Android remake

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Seems the “eggciting” Dizzy adventure promised yesterday isn’t very eggciting at all, with Codemasters revealing that the egg’s grand return will actually be a remake of Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk on iOS devices and Android. I am sure we all had a cynical eggspectation it’d be something like this.

Codemasters poked fun at the disappointment with a preemptive jab in its press release, stating, “The game will not, unfortunately, be available on Eggsbox.”

The game releases December 9, a day dubbed “Eggmergence Day.” At the very least, the new graphics look eggceptionally eggsquisite. 

The fact it got quite a grand little reveal trailer and hype led me to hope it’d be something a bit more eggsemplary, but I guess that was too much to ask for a mascot that hasn’t been eggshumed in almost 20 years. 

As it’s the first game I ever bought in a store, I have a lot of fondness for Prince of the Yolkfolk. Still, it’s a shame that Dizzy is not “back” like Codemasters said. Looks like we got eggrolled.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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