Silent Hill haunted maze opens this October

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The Jeff Schleffelbein’s Sinister Pointe attraction venue in Orange County is getting a very Silent Hill makeover this Halloween, which we already knew about. The 10,000 square feet vacant movie theater will see all sorts of creepy nurses, Pyramid Heads and other scary things from the Silent Hill universe as they try to scare people into having heart attacks.

The haunted maze kicks off on October 2 and will last until October 31. It’ll be open from 7PM to 10PM on Weekdays and 7PM to 12AM on Weekends. There will also be a special media day for the event, and we are so sending Chad to this thing. Nothing better than hearing dolphin boy scream like a little girl.

Visit Sinister Pointe to get your tickets and hear creepy-but-not-really-creepy-at-all sound effects. So who’s going?


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Hamza Aziz
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