Confirmed before, EXTRA confrmed now
[Awkward Zombie by Katie Tiedrich]
Two of the more mind-blowing Wii U announcements in the past few months have been Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem and Monolith Soft’s “X,” the spiritual successor to Xenoblade. For the software-starved console, these two titles were like manna from heaven. And since these were shown off during the English-language Nintendo Direct, many assumed that they were slated for English-speaking regions. Still, extra confirmation would be nice.
In Nintendo’s FY13 financial briefing supplemental, the company lists the games as slated for both US and Europe, albeit with no set release date. But this is Nintendo we’re talking about, whose localization plans are as fickle as a spring breeze. Remember how Xenoblade kept appearing on planned Western software lists under the title Monado: Beginning of the World, but it was only after repeated nagging and prodding that it was finally released? And what of other games that quietly vanish into the ether?
On the flip side, Nintendo has been making laudable strides lately, like assuming Western publishing duties for Bravely Default and getting EarthBound on Virtual Console. It’s not like it can afford to be all that picky these days regarding localized content, anyway. I think this is a lock.
Supplementary Information about Earnings Release [Nintendo via @Cheesemeister3k]