At least I hope that’s why
Tracer has been more or less the public face of Overwatch for a variety of reasons, including her personality, spiky hair, cool jacket and goggles, stereotypical accent, dual-wielding timegun powers, and the glowy thing on her harness.
As one lucky Japanese grocery-buyer has found though, there are other factors contributing to the Brit speedster’s prominence in the minds of many an Overwatch fan.
セクシーな人参ですわww#オーバーウォッチ— うーやん@オーバーウオッチ楽しむ勢 (@0715Lucky) May 20, 2016
I am, of course, referring to her naturally high levels of Beta carotene and nutritious Vitamin A. A daily serving of Tracer has been proven to play a role in maintaining healthy vision and optical function.
@0175lucky [Twitter]
Note: In case you were curious, the tweet basically translates to:
Found a carrot that looks like Tracer lol
It’s a pretty sexy carrot lol #Overwatch
Yes. Yes it is.