Some German politicians want their own version of SOPA

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Members of the Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union, which form one of the ruling parties in the German government right now, like SOPA so much that they want their own version of it for Germany. While they admit that some parts of it are problematic, they are all for censoring the internet, even stating that such a law would not be about censorship but about “protecting artists from exploitation.” They then go on to state that all those who protested against SOPA are basically helping sites like Megaupload with their illegal activities.

While this sure sounds bad, especially since it comes from one of the ruling parties, I’m pretty certain that the German population is going to react as soon as such ideas get closer to become realized. Ever since SOPA and PIPA, people have been paying more attention to these issues, which hopefully will stop ACTA. Still, I’m amazed that some Germans want to import bad ideas like these.

MegaUpload – CDU/CSU wollen Zensurgesetz SOPA auch für Deutschland [Gamestar]

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