Sometimes, game makers lie

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Whether they intend to or not, game makers lie. Sometimes they do it on purpose and sometimes things just happen that they have no control over. I still feel for Capcom’s Shinji Mikami when he said that he would commit suicide if Resident Evil 4 was released on anything other than the GameCube. It wasn’t his fault that the GameCube bombed!

IGN has a really cool feature out today that captures some of the most famous lies from the industry in propaganda poster form. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo all have said one thing or another that they wish they could take back, but the Internet never forgets.

My favorite of the posters is the one of David Reeves stating that people would buy the PS3 even if it didn’t have games. Yeah, that totally happened.

The People Who Make Videogames Are Lying To You [IGN]

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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