Sony is treating No Man’s Sky as a first-party release

Sony’s pouring resources into this one

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No Man’s Sky is not strictly speaking a Sony-exclusive game, but you might be forgiven for thinking it is permanently exclusive considering how ferociously the company is marketing it: prominent E3 press conference space, financial backing, and advertisements that only mention Sony’s platform. Yep, it feels like a Sony made game.

Coming first to PS4 and later to PC, it may not come as a surprise to hear that Sony is internally treating No Man’s Sky like a first-party title, according to UK Managing Director Fergal Gara. Speaking to MCV, Gara explained that Sony is putting its full weight behind the release.

“We have been working very closely with the developers and bringing it into our release program as if we had made it.”

“We are not going to treat it any differently and we are going to put the full weight of PlayStation behind it. If it all comes together as well as expected, it will be treated like a first-party release; it is not a self-published small indie title on the platform.”

No Man’s Sky could still come to Xbox One in theory as its only a timed exclusive on PS4. However, considering how much work Sony has put into helping the game come together, I wouldn’t hold my breath on an Xbox One announcement coming any time soon.

PlayStation’s Gara talks price wars, Bloodborne, No Man’s Sky and Black Friday [MCV]

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Laura Dale
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