Sony has claimed that only the most hardcore PS3 gamers use PlayStation Home. That sounds like a failure, given the services casual, Second Life-esque dressing, but if Sony wants to spin the fact that a comparatively small demographic is using it, then they’re welcome.
They buy more games than the average PS3 user, they play more games than the average PS3 user,” said Sony’s Jack Buser about the average Home user. “They also watch more movies than the average PS3 user, who is already a highly self-selective consumer.
“We’re talking about rabid consumers of media and hardcore gamers. That’s who these people are.”
So, Sony’s vision of the Home user is an obsessive, unerringly loyal fanboy, the kind who gets upset when somebody even looks at a PS3 funny and then goes crying to N4G about it so like-minded simpletons can cry along with him. Yep … that sounds like the kind of idiot who’d love PlayStation Home.
The Man Pulling PlayStation Home’s Strings [Giant Bomb]