Sony to have more games than Mega Man sequels by next March (update)

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It is often said that good things come to those who wait. Up until this point, if you happened to have purchased a PlayStation 3, you are banking on that phrase. Well, allow me to be the bearer of good news — something that I think you’ll agree that Sony could use a lot more of lately.

During an interview with the Nikkei Business Daily, Kazuo Hirai (Chairman and Group CEO of Sony) let it be known that Sony is well aware of the criticism that the system has too few games in which to woo gamers with. Not only that, but also that Sony is going to counter this with a renewed vigor — by working with software publishers on all aspects of marketing games. How many of said games, you ask? Expect to see around 200 software titles and 180 download-only titles to be released for the PS3 by next March.

While sooner is always better, picking up steam after being dominated by a much cheaper console with just as few must have titles is always a slow process. Expect to see the PS3 back in competitive form, and ready to duke it out with whoever is leading the pack by March. With Ken Kutaragi gone, and Hirai at the helm — things are already starting to look a lot brighter for the PS3. 

[Update: Well it looks like things aren’t as rosy as we initially thought (otherwise known as journalists everywhere jumping the gun). Luckily for us, a SCEA spokesman was quick to set the record straight. Hirai was citing international figures, so the correct number of first-party games announced for 2007 is more down the lines of 15. Personally, I was happier with the original story — but the truth will set you free. Doesn’t mean you’ll like it, but it is what it is. Sorry, Sony fans.If it makes you feel any better, I’m bummed out too. I was hoping to cover positive PS3 news for once.] 

[Via UK.Reuters, and some awesome guy named Joe Burling]

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