Spot the signs of war in this new Star Wars: TOR trailer

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In anticipation of its December 20 release, and to hopefully satiate the fan base for a few more weeks, BioWare has released a new trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic. First shown to New York Comic-Con audiences, it gives players a small peek into a galaxy far, far away that is oddly populated with many human-like species.

It speaks of the signs of the imminent clash between Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire: the deepening corruption of Coruscant, the secret wars on Nar Shaddaa, and the rebellions on Balmoora.

On an interesting side note, I don’t think they said the word “Jedi” once in this video. Interesting trailer, but I think the hundreds and hundreds of players that are still waiting their beta invite would much rather a weekend of time with the game. 

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