So the big Spy/Sniper update for Team Fortress 2 landed the other day, and while the two classes new abilities are getting rave reviews another part of the update is stirring up a bit of controversy. It seems Valve decided to change the way weapons are earned. Before, if you recall from playing the game, special weapons were granted through achievements, some of which were especially challenging. Now, however, weapons are simply awarded randomly during the game like in an MMORPG.
Seems like a much easier way to balance the game, but a slap to the face for those who put in the hard work and dedication to earn weapons previously. It appears that Valve is trying to make the game more friendly to the casual crowd, but they could also just be doing this for the free weekend and then going back to the achievement method. Either way those of you who put all that hard effort into unlocking the Ubersaw are about to run into plenty of people who did none of the work and can brag just as much about having one.