Grasshopper Manufacture is a fascinating development studio, headed by the quirky Goichi Suda (better known by his nom de guerre, Suda51). They’re the guys famously responsible for Killer7 and No More Heroes, as well as some smaller, but equally interesting, titles like Michigan, The Silver Case, and Flower, Sun, and Rain. When/if their odd (and financially unstable) games tank, they make it up with licensed animé properties that are sure to win them back some scratch. They also have the best logo, ever.
But let’s get to the point: At the Games Developer’s Conference in 2007, Suda 51 announced that he was working on three Wii games: No More Heroes and Fatal Frame IV were two of those games. We still don’t know anything about the third, though.
What we do know, thanks to Siliconera’s eagle-eyes, is that Grasshopper has updated the business section of its Web site, adding Square Enix to the list of primary business partners. Of course, this isn’t any sort of official confirmation or game announcement, but it’s an interesting and titillating prospect, and I hope it pans out.
To recap: one of the most adventurous and creative mainstream development studios might be creating a Wii game backed by one of the largest and richest publishers in the world. I don’t know how Suda51 feels about RPGs, but I think we’re about to find out.
[Via Siliconera]