After a ton of hullabaloo, The Old Republic’s heftiest update yet is about to hit. In the update, players will find improved UI customization, more refined visuals, and a few other tweaks. Content wise, there’s a new Warzone (PVP arena), a new Operation (a Raid), a new Flashpoint (Dungeon/Instance), and a few other minor additions like Guild Banks. But the flashiest update of all is the inclusion of the Legacy System (finally!).
For those who aren’t aware, the Legacy System is something that’s fairly unique to the MMO scene. It’s a mechanic that lets players intermingle and link all of their characters into one giant “family”, which allows for some minor upgrades and new abilities based on your account. The odd thing about this system is that the plans were actually in place at launch: once you reached a certain level, Legacy would unlock – it just didn’t do anything.
Because of this odd design choice, fans have been ferociously debating whether or not this is simply an awesome update, or the game was shipped unfinished and this is the “1.0” patch. Personally, I got 50 as soon as possible, realized there wasn’t much to do, and quit. Now that the Legacy System is finally done, I might actually come back and work on some alts. The update itself will land in April.