Starfield through a tilt shift lens makes the game look adorably miniature

Big things come in small packages. Or something.

Starfield: a 'tilt shifted' version of New Atlantis.

Starfield is undeniably the biggest game of this year, if not of this entire console generation. However, in a display of irony, someone decided to show what this immense RPG would look like if it resembled something tiny.

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Using a camera technique known as tilt-shifting, YouTuber Flurdeh gives us a view of Starfield that can only be described as micro. We see the likes of New Atlantis and Akila City looking like miniature versions of their original selves, as NPCs scurry about the place.

Flurdeh’s channel is known for this tilt-shifting technique, changing the orientation and perspective of certain games in order to make them look like tiny facsimiles of themselves. You can see miniature Elden Ring, The Last of Us, Cyberpunk 2077, and Resident Evil 4. The creator says these videos stem from a love of game photography, with a view to showing the beautiful worlds within gaming.

My, what a big galaxy you have there

Since releasing earlier this month, Starfield has had more than its fair share of feedback. While generally regarded as a pretty fantastic sci-fi role-playing game, people are starting to see the cracks.

Fortunately, Todd Howard and his crew are working to keep things running smoothly. Update 1.7.33 rolled out recently, and a more significant patch is on the way.

Prior to release, head of Xbox Game Studios Matt Booty said the game would have the fewest bugs of any Bethesda release. While that does seem to be the case, it says something about the state of the current gaming climate where that’s something to boast about.

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Andrew Heaton
Andrew has been a gamer since the 17th century Restoration period. He now writes for a number of online publications, contributing news and other articles. He does not own a powdered wig.
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