Sucker Punch backpedals on redesign of Cole in inFamous 2

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When Sucker Punch announced inFamous 2, they showed off a vastly different Cole than the one we’d come to know from the first installment. It was a startling shift, seeing the man get prettied up and smoothed over.

For many, it crossed some sort of line. Fan outrage was so strong, it turns out, that Sucker Punch is now redesigning Cole again to take him closer to the hero of old. From Comic-Con, IGN is reporting that they have seen two images of the character representing this shift. While unable to reveal any details about the design, Cole is said to be considerably more like his former look.

Cole’s appearance in inFamous appealed to me not because I like stereotypically gruff, reluctant heroes. I dug it because that’s what I would imagine a dude who had voltage pass through his body on the level of what Cole experienced: A f–king train wreck. So I wasn’t bothered by him getting clean and growing hair for the sequel.

What is presently unknown is whether or not a similar change in voice actors will be made. Somehow I doubt it, but at least Sucker Punch seems willing to bend their vision a bit to satisfy their audience.

SDCC 10: Infamous 2 – They’re Changing Cole Back [IGN via CVG]

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Conrad Zimmerman
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