[Destructoid’s Director of Communications Hamza Aziz asked Jonathan Holmes to make a show called ‘Sup, Holmes?‘ so that Destructoid could later sell a t-shirt that says ‘Sup, Holmes?’ on it. This is that show. Download the audio-only podcast version, subscribe to the podcast feed and find more episodes here.]
This week on Sup Holmes? we have Miguel Sternberg from Spooky Squid games, developer of the upcoming games They Bleed Pixels and Guerrilla Gardening: Seeds of Revolution, and the curuator of the recent Comics Vs. Games event (featuring the work of Dtoid alumni Ashley Davis and Linzb0t, as well as many other fantastic artists).
We’ll be talking to Miguel about all that and more. Personally, I want to know how he feels about Bastion ripping off his idea for context based, in-game narration. I bet he’ll be all humble about it, because he is a humble dude.