Super Mario Sunshine may be one of the worst selling Mario games ever, but that doesn’t mean that it was all bad. Apparently Nintendo doesn’t hate the game either, as portions of Super Mario Galaxy 2 clearly acknowledge the water-sports-and-dinosaur-vomit-packed Gamecube title. “Acknowledge” may be too weak of a word. If this video was the only thing I knew of Galaxy 2, I’d swear that it was a straight sequel to Sunshine.
The video only has about 15 seconds of game footage; short but sweet. Yoshi looks like he’s lot more fun to ride in Galaxy 2 than he was in Sunshine, even if he isn’t constantly puking anymore. That Bionic Commando-tongue of his more than makes up for it. Plus, if that statue is any indication, those half-naked, big-nosed weirdos are back! What are they called again? Finobarbitals? Finotypes? I know it was Fino-something…
I clearly need to bone up on my Mario-lore before I jump into Galaxy 2 on May 23rd.
Thanks, skawo90!