Tag: NES
13 best games to help you get into retro
Help with your trajectory into timelessness.
Final Fantasy 7 Demake for Famicom requires imagination, familiarity, and patience
Seems like a step backward for some reason.
Rugrats: Adventures in Gameland looks promising, but its demo is lacking
I’ve lost control of my life.
American Gladiators on NES will give you a Gladiator Spanking
Remember what we lost.
Jane Austen’s 8-bit Adventure is now available on an NES cartridge
Stone Cold Jane Austen.
Hoshi wo Miru Hito on Famicom is the ruthless King of Crap Mountain
What mistakes have lead me to this?
Dead Tomb is a verb-driven NES adventure based on a lost game
Rise from your grave.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for NES demonstrates the duality of bad and worse
The duality of crap.
Doom meets Camp Crystal Lake in this Friday the 13th mod
Machete…meet BFG9000
Wall Street Kid for NES makes capitalists of us all
Bankrupt on selling.