Tank! Tank! Tank! makes kid weep manly Christmas tears

Child becomes inexplicably overjoyed at rubbish videogame

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If you were to unwrap a Christmas present and discover Tank! Tank! Tank! inside, anybody’s natural instinct would be to burst into tears. However, for one child, his weeping was spurred by joy — such an obscene gift actually making him happier than any child has ever been

Watch the above video to witness a young boy getting everything he ever wanted by receiving one of the crappiest Wii U games available. Being a child, he lacks basic critical faculties and accurate judgment, but that’s okay — if the kid’s happy, it’s all that matters. This is why I don’t belittle my own when he wants to play Thundercats DS

Good for him, though! We adults may sneer at such lame software, but the little bastards out there love it. Hope he actually enjoyed the thing.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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