Teaser trailer for Mega64’s Version 3

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PAX was an amazing experience for me. I basically had two goals for the event. Meet the amazing and awesome community and meet Mega64. I have been following their work since some of their first few skits so getting to finally meet Rocco and the team was just amazing.

During their panel, they talked about the show, themselves and premiered the teaser for Version 3. The video shows a man completely obsessed with Mega64 to the point where he starts to hallucinate characters from the show stocking him. Unfortunately, the trailer cuts out right when the new intro credits start to play showing the Mega64 crew as puppets. Also, this video is not the trailer I’m talking about — it’s after the jump!

Epicness is approaching. Also, because I like to show off, check out the pictures of me, Atheistium and Mr. Destructoid with the Mega64 team!

Finally, I should mention that Rocco was given the duties to filming and editing the PAX 2007 DVD. Yours truly did a little skit with Rocco and it’s safe to say that I am totally going to embarrass mine and Destructoid’s name from this. 

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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