TGS 2007: What’s the deal with Dead Rising 2? You may not want to know

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The guys over at Kotaku were lucky enough to nab Keiji Inafune for a quick interview outside of the Tokyo Game Show, and what he had to say regarding the sequel to Dead Rising just might surprise you. Are you ready for this? The original sold well outside of Japan, and he’d like nothing more than to give us some zombie love all over again. The problem? Well… it’s complicated. Just check out the following exchange Brian had with him. It says it all:

Inafune: I do really want to do Dead Rising 2. It’s just still hard to get games for the Western market approved.
Ashcraft: But Dead Rising was a big hit abroad.
Inafune: It wasn’t a big hit here in Japan.
Ashcraft: Why is it hard to still get Western geared games approved in Japan?
Inafune: You live here. You know how it is. That’s why getting games for the Western market is still a challenge.

So there you have it — Japan’s “way of thinking” is causing the holdup.  As someone who thinks Capcom is practically at the left hand of God, this disappoints me greatly. Did you somehow lose money on the game? Unless the answer is a resounding yes, a solid sequel is in order. I do have one last request before you go back to ignoring those of us outside of Japan. For goodness sake, make the text readable for us standard definition TV owners this time (we’re still the majority, you know). Looking like Mr. Magoo while gaming isn’t terribly sexy, and I’d hate to have to do that all over again.

[Via Kotaku]

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